Friday, November 16, 2012

My latest One liner!

It doesn't matter if the glass if half empty of half full...
There is clearly room for more wine!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Awesome Mausam

Its been an amazing roller coaster ride this November!!
The theme for this Festive season "Get Set Grow"  has indeed been successful...yes there are a few things that need to be ironed out and perfected but there has been much more takeaways than grumpings!!
Yippppeeeee!! and kudos to my Team!

Take Two: Novemeber'12
Diwali is here....and before it is over.....Am off to the Land of the Rising Sun....where a brighter future awaits me....and upon return am really looking forward to the month end and will end it with a bang! :) with sooo many parties.
God willing.....will be off the Zulu Land next!! :) loving it!! :)
Sweet November.......INDEED!!