Aptly Titled!!
Re-Set Re-Fresh
Re-Design Re-Build Re-Claim!
Such has been this year so far!
It stared with a bang and boy-O-boy why am I not surprised!
I was quite anxious when we were all locked up inside our houses on the 22nd march, wasn't quite sure as to what/how it would be for so long.... but i was looking forwrd to be just home devoid of all worries....
Never had I ever...thought that the New FY will begin with a Big Zero!
Never had I ever...travelled on the First Day of the Year!
Its been a Lock-down since 22nd March and it continues.... Never had i ever thought i will be home with no work and enjoy it too!
Its a blessing spending time with kids..to see Araddhya attend his Online Classes...clarifying the simplest of doubts...just being around!
to witness Anveer's antics around the house ..his mischievousness with everyone in the House...his prompt responses..his funny faces....everything.
I am getting so used to this that it scares me ...what happens when all this over... and i have to return to Work again!
I will be doing the same 10 to 7.30 drills and be hell worried about everything beyond my control!
I like it this way...this has beyond doubt changed me and my future plans.