Friday, April 03, 2020

Great time to hit Refresh!

I have obviously got ample time and while i was i thought there was a great opportunity for the Civic Agencies to use this time to make up for all the wrongs

If all proper precautions can be taken to prevent this Corona Virus then there could have been so much that could be achieved!

Imagine..all drains could be de-silted...everything flushed out..garbage, plastic, toxic waste.. it would solve the Water Logging problem to a major extent especially with the impending monsoons

All roads could be repaired/relaid etc etc

All electrical lines could be repaired and shifted to underground trenches,which could otherwise be quite challenging

All parks and public utilities could undertake major renovation/up-gradation

All Railway Coaches could be cleaned, full stripped and de-sanitized.... all the curtains, laundry and seats in the Coaches to be cleaned/washed, replaced/repaired
All electrical items too
Same for all railway stations and tracks.... All Stations are ridden with rats could be a great time to catch all of them and plug in the loop holes so that the danger with rat disease doesn't arise again

All State Transport Vehicles/Buses can do the same!

So on and so forth

To top it off the Govt would anyways be paying all these daily workers anyway during this lock-down! It would also prevent/abstain the daily wage workers to stay where they are and not return to their native villages. It will be easier to get them any food/medication etc as well if needed.
Solves a lot of issues with one single decision.

But then All necessary precautions has to be taken else this can backfire rather quickly with even a single case of Infection among the workers! and India isn't known to handle hygiene nicely ever!

Food for Thought!

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