Saturday, December 29, 2012

Lucky at 30!

Hahaha....Some people re-define the meaning of age old one liners to the T!
Pretty amusing indeed!
Lest one knows whats in store next! :)

Friday, November 16, 2012

My latest One liner!

It doesn't matter if the glass if half empty of half full...
There is clearly room for more wine!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Awesome Mausam

Its been an amazing roller coaster ride this November!!
The theme for this Festive season "Get Set Grow"  has indeed been successful...yes there are a few things that need to be ironed out and perfected but there has been much more takeaways than grumpings!!
Yippppeeeee!! and kudos to my Team!

Take Two: Novemeber'12
Diwali is here....and before it is over.....Am off to the Land of the Rising Sun....where a brighter future awaits me....and upon return am really looking forward to the month end and will end it with a bang! :) with sooo many parties.
God willing.....will be off the Zulu Land next!! :) loving it!! :)
Sweet November.......INDEED!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Body Scribbles
Of Courts & more
The Fall....

Thursday, August 30, 2012


My lesson of the day was to Never let any words lie not pre-assume things about anybody,anything or anywhere especially while dealing professionally, and so dont make any statements about it/them...after all, you don't know who will use it ....when and how!
Hope this is a lesson well learnt & remembered too!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Manesar, Mayhem & Fallout!

I would keep it rather simple here, its rather tough to deal with labour and the issues that comes with them...but if you think of it, it is even more difficult to deal/punish/sensitize/reprimand/promote/negotiate...or do anything with the Top management...especially when they behave like irrational school boys!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Wisdom's Here...Atlast!

Seearing with pain..and on his staple diet of daily pain killers,he wonders whether it is actually so wise to be wise afterall? Wisdom, is what he wished for so long...and wisdom it is that he now detests... He misses the sublime innocence in everything....the innocence in his non-chalant behaviour...his love...his laughter...his smile...his sizing up his friends/foes/acquaints....everything! Who said growing up is fun!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012


He doesnot want to do anything stupid in his present state with an overdose,
Yes he does feel like Jim Morrison currently,
And cares lesser for the World than his senses...
Until am back...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My bundle of JOY :)

My heart is filed with immense warmth...I take a satisfied grinning ear to ear...when he flies into my arms,whenevr i return home after a hard days work,
reciting it again and again and again as if its his favorite word..."Papa"
He is the most doting child I ever knew...the apple of my muse he happiness...the reason I love Life.
I love you son. Muah.


It is indeed nice to see that we are taking a quantam shift...especially from where we were some 5 years ago to the present. The memories will remain with us...they may not be as intact or clear...and fade away with the wisp of time...but lets hope that the good ones are remembered for a longer duration...and the best way to do so is by believe in who you are and not wanting to be somebody else.....besides this ....TRUST. Not evrybody in this world is bad. Our thinking and the dilemma at that time influences us in fly out or rather reach out than accuse.
Life is SHORT!! Love it.