Sunday, April 22, 2007

T Pub.... here I am again with my gibberish...actually its bin a really long time since i wrote this one..nevertheless it remains quite close to me since it was my first individual presentation during my MBA days!!!...and then i had always wanted to open a T i just wish to bug everybody with it....kindly bear....n just in case you dont...BUZZ OFF...I dont CAre!!!.....neways its for ME ME n ME n not for u guys!! ;)
Here it goes....

We dont cheer the meek..the vulnerable...
those content with their 15 minutes of fame...
We cheer the Bold....and the daring...
for only those who desire to rise above the rest
Catchold of competetion by the scuff of the neck...
and beat the daylights out of it!!
The need of the hour is change.....Speed facsinates...
Living in the fast life on the edge...
is all of us want....especially job oriented dumb-headed bimbos...
The morons of this world will always tread the slow path.....
We capture imaginations and bring them to LIFE>>>...

Frenz, we take you on a tour to the T Pub....
The T Pub is an authentic haunt for the young...the party savy...the fast-paced...the go-getters... and culturally adventurous...

With an ambience to match the best in the world and different to the point of being seeps in your head slowly and gives you a kick like cocaine...
You will charged up and energised...
You will feel the zeel and the fizz of life....
You will feel the pace...
but most of all a driver who knows his speed AND where he is Driving...
OK enuff of this shit....
am signing off......;)


sonilagarwal said...

hmmmmm... gud effort... u rite really wel.. d way u xpress ur random thots its beautiful[imperfect..hehe;) ]but on a serious note as i ws readin along i cn atually feel the place n dis is wat justify's ur riting.... ;) gud wrk keep it up....

Thought Struck!! said...

HEHE..its just some randon MBA pres shit...ies even incomplete.. hehe...I WANNA open a LOUNGE in LUCKNOW!!!(wah...)