Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Ban the Plastic!

Recently, I had the opportunity to travel by train in UP....Make no mistake , I have travelled a lot by train...its just that i haven't been able to travel much as of now recently

What I noticed and what brought me to write this blog is CLEANLINESS
Though a lot has been done to achieve this compared to earlier years where we (Indians) did not even care or think of it as necessary.....Yet a lot remains to be achieved

As soon as the train docks out of the platform , you are greeted with a huge amount of filth....mainly plastic!

What was more appalling was the fact that i took a taxi from my Dehradoon to Jolly Grant Airport and it drove us along a river, which had flowing water but instead of rocks on its catchment area all we could see was plastic!

We have absolutely no idea what a world we are going to leave for our younger generation....
We just dont bother.....

It is time to wake up!.....
It is ALREADY late!

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